Bichirs, ancient freshwater fish from the Polypteridae family, inhabit the rivers and lakes of western and central Africa. These prehistoric-looking fish are distinguished by elongated bodies, fleshy pectoral fin lobes, and a series of dorsal finlets. Remarkably, bichirs breathe air using lungs, enabling them to thrive in oxygen-deficient waters. They are primarily nocturnal, relying on a sharp sense of smell and the ability to sense electrical fields to locate food. In captivity, bichirs can live 10-15 years, sometimes longer with proper care, making them captivating additions to large aquariums. Although hardy, they flourish in specific conditions: a temperature range of 74°F (23°C) to 82°F (28°C), a slightly acidic to neutral pH of 6.2 to 7.8, and soft to moderate water hardness (5 to 20 dKH). Consistent water quality monitoring and adjustments are crucial for the health and comfort of these unique fish.