Minnows and rainbow sharks are two unique species that showcase the variety of freshwater fish. Minnows, commonly referred to as small freshwater fish, are part of the Cyprinidae family and are noted for their social nature and ability to adapt to different aquatic environments. They are crucial to the ecosystem, acting as food for larger species and playing a role in the aquatic food chain. Rainbow sharks, on the other hand, are not actual sharks but belong to the same family as minnows. Originating from Southeast Asia, they are recognized for their semi-aggressive temperament and distinctive look, featuring dark bodies and bright red or orange fins. Minnows are typically peaceful community fish, whereas rainbow sharks are territorial and may not get along with other bottom-dwellers. Both species need particular care and aquarium conditions to flourish, illustrating the intricacy and splendor of aquatic life. For minnows, especially the White Cloud Mountain Minnow, the optimal water parameters include a temperature of 57°F to 72°F (best at 64°F), a pH level of 6.0 to 8.5 (ideally between 6.8 and 7.5), and low water hardness around 10 to 15 KH. Rainbow sharks prefer a temperature of 72°F to 79°F, a pH level of 6.5 to 7.5, and water hardness of 5 to 11 dGH. Maintaining these parameters is vital for the health of the fish, necessitating regular checks and adjustments to ensure stable water conditions.